Jacob Darfelt


Words and finds on the fire of Casa Rosso, Amsterdam, 1983.

Short after Red Light District’s legendary casino and strip club burned down, stories started rumouring the streets. Someone heard something of someone. A secret tunnel. A bouncer in love with a dancer. Gasoline and jealousy. GASOLINE! “Zwarte Joppie,” how the the big-boss was called. Broken legs and arms. An elephant, that could not stop the fire. A perpetrator from Russia, persecuted murderer in the USA. Bystanders pulling the fireboat down the Gracht. Maltese knights, keeping their church wet, protecting it from the flames. And later a “rich cesspit” was found under the ashes. 

All that and more, recalled by five eyewitnesses. Displayed word by word, which reads like listening to their stories first hand.

OUT OF THE FIRE was released on March 15, 2018 in San Serriffe Amsterdam. On March 17 it was shown at Annual Reportt in Copenhagen.


OUT OF THE FIRE was released on March 15, 2018 in Amsterdam. After gathering at San Serriffe we walked through the Red Light District to the original site of Casa Rosso. There Lauritz Meier Andersen impersonated one of the publication’s characters and told their story.

Two days later it was exhibited at Annual Reportt in Copenhagen.


eee OUT OF THE FIRE. 2.500 matchboxes.